MMS Science Team publications
For the latest publication list see NASA MMS Science Team at
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
Genestreti, K. J.; Fuselier, S. A.; Goldstein, J.; et al., An empirical model for the location and occurrence rate of near-Earth magnetotail reconnection, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 118 Issue: 10 Pages: 6389-6396 Published: OCT 2013
Karimabadi, H.; Roytershteyn, V.; Wan, M.; et al., Coherent structures, intermittent turbulence, and dissipation in high-temperature plasmas, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Published: JAN 2013
Lyatsky, W.; Goldstein, M. L., Effect of interchange instability on magnetic reconnection, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Pages: 365-377 Published: 2013
Malaspina, David M.; Newman, David L.; Willson, Lynn B., III; et al., Electrostatic Solitary Waves in the Solar Wind: Evidence for Instability at Solar Wind Current Sheets, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 118 Issue: 2 Pages: 591-599 Published: FEB 2013
Vapirev, A. E.; Lapenta, G.; Divin, A.; et al., Formation of a transient front structure near reconnection point in 3-D PIC simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 118 Issue: 4 Pages: 1435-1449 Published: APR 2013
Wan, Minping; Matthaeus, William H.; Servidio, Sergio; et al., Generation of X-points and secondary islands in 2D magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Published: APR 2013
Eastwood, J. P.; Phan, T. D.; Oieroset, M.; et al., Influence of asymmetries and guide fields on the magnetic reconnection diffusion region in collisionless space plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Volume: 55 Issue: 12 Published: DEC 2013
Oka, M.; Ishikawa, S.; Saint-Hilaire, P.; et al., KAPPA DISTRIBUTION MODEL FOR HARD X-RAY CORONAL SOURCES OF SOLAR FLARES, Astrophysical Journal Volume: 764 Issue: 1 Published: FEB 10 2013
Moore, T. E.; Burch, J. L.; Daughton, W. S.; et al., Multiscale studies of the three-dimensional dayside X-line, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Volume: 99 Pages: 32-40 Published: 2013
Malakit, K.; Shay, M. A.; Cassak, P. A.; et al., New Electric Field in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection, Physical Review Letters Volume: 111 Issue: 13 Published: SEP 23 2013
Klar, R. A.; Miller, S. A.; Brysch, M. L.; et al., Performance of the Magnetospheric Multiscale Central Instrument Data Handling, 2013 Ieee Aerospace Conference Published: 2013
Hunana, P.; Goldstein, M. L.; Passot, T.; et al., POLARIZATION AND COMPRESSIBILITY OF OBLIQUE KINETIC ALFVEN WAVES, Astrophysical Journal Volume: 766 Issue: 2 Published: APR 1 2013
Hunana, P.; Goldstein, M. L.; Passot, T.; et al., Properties of kinetic Alfven waves : a comparison of fluid models with kinetic theory, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference (Solar Wind 13) Volume: 1539 Pages: 179-182 Published: 2013
Torkar, Klaus; Tajmar, Martin, Qualification of the Liquid Metal Ion Source Instruments for the NASA MMS Mission, Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science Volume: 41 Issue: 12 Pages: 3512-3519 Published: DEC 2013
Roscoe, C. W. T.; Vadali, S. R.; Alfriend, K. T.; et al., Satellite formation design in orbits of high eccentricity with performance constraints specified over a region of interest: MMS phase II, Acta Astronautica Volume: 82 Issue: 1 Pages: 16-24 Published: 2013
Che, H.; Drake, J. F.; Swisdak, M.; et al., The adiabatic phase mixing and heating of electrons in Buneman turbulence, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 20 Issue: 6 Published: JUN 2013
Phan, T. D.; Paschmann, G.; Gosling, J. T.; et al., The dependence of magnetic reconnection on plasma beta and magnetic shear: Evidence from magnetopause observations, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Pages: 11-16 Published: JAN 16 2013
Rose, D.; Panneton, R.; Klar, R.; et al., The MMS Burst System; Co-operative Concept of Flight Ground Operations to Maximize Burst System Science Data Return, 2013 Ieee Aerospace Conference Published: 2013
Torkar, Klaus; Tajmar, Martin; Escoubet, C. Philippe; et al., Active Spacecraft Potential Control for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Pages: 394-401 Published: FEB 2012
Pan, Qingjiang; Ashour-Abdalla, Maha; El-Alaoui, Mostafa; et al., Adiabatic acceleration of suprathermal electrons associated with dipolarization fronts, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 117 Published: DEC 19 2012
Markidis, S.; Henri, P.; Lapenta, G.; et al., Collisionless magnetic reconnection in a plasmoid chain, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 145-153 Published: 2012
Chaston, C. C.; Bonnell, J. W.; Clausen, L.; et al., Energy transport by kinetic-scale electromagnetic waves in fast plasma sheet flows, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 117 Published: SEP 6 2012
Chaston, C. C.; Bonnell, J. W.; Clausen, L.; et al., Energy transport by kinetic-scale electromagnetic waves in fast plasma sheet flows (vol 117, A12205, 2012), Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 117 Published: DEC 7 2012
Olson, C.; Wright, C.; Long, A., EXPECTED NAVIGATION FLIGHT PERFORMANCE FOR THE MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE (MMS) MISSION, Spaceflight Mechanics 2012 Volume: 143 Pages: 1437-1456 Published: 2012
Brysch, M. L.; Klar, R. A.; Sauer, C. D.; et al., Implementation for Central Data Handling within a Multi-Instrument Suite, 2012 Ieee Aerospace Conference Published: 2012
Leinweber, H. K.; Russell, C. T.; Torkar, K., In-flight calibration of the spin axis offset of a fluxgate magnetometer with an electron drift instrument, Measurement Science & Technology Volume: 23 Issue: 10 Published: 2012
Williams, T., LAUNCH WINDOW ANALYSIS FOR THE MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE MISSION, Spaceflight Mechanics 2012 Volume: 143 Pages: 2273-2291 Published: 2012
Gosling, J. T., Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind, Space Science Reviews Volume: 172 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 187-200 Published: NOV 2012
Divin, A.; Lapenta, G.; Markidis, S.; et al., Numerical simulations of separatrix instabilities in collisionless magnetic reconnection, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Published: APR 2012
Jenkins, B.; Thein, M. W. L.; Ieee, -Board and/or Ground-Based Gyroless Accelerometer Calibration for NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) Mission, 2012 American Control Conference Pages: 179-184 Published: 2012
Jenkins, B.; Thein, M. W. L., On-Board and/or Ground-Based Gyroless Accelerometer Calibration with Uncertain Spacecraft Inertia for NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) Mission, 2012 American Control Conference Pages: 185-190 Published: 2012
Lapenta, Giovanni, Particle simulations of space weather, Journal of Computational Physics Volume: 231 Issue: 3 Pages: 795-821 Published: FEB 1 2012
Mandell, M. J.; Davis, V. A.; Davis, G. T.; et al., Photoemission Driven Charging in Tenuous Plasma, Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Pages: 209-216 Published: 2012
Davis, V. A.; Mandell, M. J.; Baker, N. R.; et al., Surface-Charging Analysis of the Radiation Belt Storm Probe and Magnetospheric MultiScale Spacecraft, Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Pages: 262-273 Published: 2012
Eastwood, J. P.; Phan, T. D.; Fear, R. C.; et al., Survival of flux transfer event (FTE) flux ropes far along the tail magnetopause, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 117 Published: AUG 23 2012
Hwang, K. -J.; Goldstein, M. L.; Kuznetsova, M. M.; et al., The first in situ observation of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at high-latitude magnetopause during strongly dawnward interplanetary magnetic field conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 117 Published: AUG 29 2012
Collinson, Glyn A.; Dorelli, John C.; Avanov, Levon A.; et al., The geometric factor of electrostatic plasma analyzers: A case study from the Fast Plasma Investigation for the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, Review of Scientific Instruments Volume: 83 Issue: 3 Published: MAR 2012
Collinson, Glyn A.; Dorelli, John C.; Avanov, Levon A.; et al., The geometric factor of electrostatic plasma analyzers: A case study from the Fast Plasma Investigation for the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (vol 83, 033303, 2012), Review of Scientific Instruments Volume: 83 Issue: 5 Published: MAY 2012
Markidis, S.; Lapenta, G.; Divin, A.; et al., Three dimensional density cavities in guide field collisionless magnetic reconnection, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Published: MAR 2012
El-Alaoui, M.; Richard, R. L.; Ashour-Abdalla, M.; et al., Turbulence in a global magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the Earth's magnetosphere during northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Pages: 165-175 Published: 2012
Che, H.; Drake, J. F.; Swisdak, M., A current filamentation mechanism for breaking magnetic field lines during reconnection, Nature Volume: 474 Issue: 7350 Pages: 184-187 Published: JUN 9 2011
Tao, J. B.; Ergun, R. E.; Andersson, L.; et al., A model of electromagnetic electron phase-space holes and its application, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 116 Published: NOV 15 2011
Lapenta, G.; Markidis, S.; Divin, A.; et al., Bipolar electric field signatures of reconnection separatrices for a hydrogen plasma at realistic guide fields, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 38 Published: SEP 7 2011
Che, H.; Goldman, M. V.; Newman, D. L., Buneman instability in a magnetized current-carrying plasma with velocity shear, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 18 Issue: 5 Published: MAY 2011
Hwang, K. -J.; Goldstein, M. L.; Lee, E.; et al., Cluster observations of multiple dipolarization fronts, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 116 Published: APR 13 2011
Roscoe, C. W. T.; Vadali, S. R.; Alfriend, K. T., DESIGN OF SATELLITE FORMATIONS IN ORBITS OF HIGH ECCENTRICITY WITH PERFORMANCE CONSTRAINTS SPECIFIED OVER A REGION OF INTEREST, Kyle T. Alfriend Astrodynamics Symposium Volume: 139 Pages: 145-162 Published: 2011
Oieroset, M.; Phan, T. D.; Eastwood, J. P.; et al., Direct Evidence for a Three-Dimensional Magnetic Flux Rope Flanked by Two Active Magnetic Reconnection X Lines at Earth's Magnetopause, Physical Review Letters Volume: 107 Issue: 16 Published: OCT 13 2011
Wu, P.; Shay, M. A.; Phan, T. D.; et al., Effect of inflow density on ion diffusion region of magnetic reconnection: Particle-in-cell simulations, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 18 Issue: 11 Published: NOV 2011
El-Alaoui, Mostafa; Ashour-Abdalla, Maha; Richard, Robert L.; et al., Global magnetohydrodynamic simulation of reconnection and turbulence in the plasma sheet (vol 116, A04206, 2011), Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 116 Published: APR 12 2011
Goldman, M. V.; Lapenta, G.; Newman, D. L.; et al., Jet Deflection by Very Weak Guide Fields during Magnetic Reconnection, Physical Review Letters Volume: 107 Issue: 13 Published: SEP 19 2011
Hwang, K. -J.; Kuznetsova, M. M.; Sahraoui, F.; et al., Kelvin-Helmholtz waves under southward interplanetary magnetic field, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 116 Published: AUG 5 2011
Markidis, S.; Lapenta, G.; Bettarini, L.; et al., Kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection in presence of a background O+ population, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 116 Published: SEP 28 2011
Oka, M.; Phan, T. -D.; Eastwood, J. P.; et al., Magnetic reconnection X-line retreat associated with dipolarization of the Earth's magnetosphere, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 38 Published: OCT 26 2011
Ashour-Abdalla, Maha; El-Alaoui, Mostafa; Goldstein, Melvyn L.; et al., Observations and simulations of non-local acceleration of electrons in magnetotail magnetic reconnection events, Nature Physics Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 360-365 Published: APR 2011
Roscoe, C. W. T.; Vadali, S. R.; Alfriend, K. T.; et al., Optimal Formation Design for Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Using Differential Orbital Elements, Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics Volume: 34 Issue: 4 Pages: 1070-1080 Published:
Fuselier, S. A.; Lewis, W. S., Properties of Near-Earth Magnetic Reconnection from In-Situ Observations, Space Science Reviews Volume: 160 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 95-121 Published: 2011
Gosling, J. T.; Tian, H.; Phan, T. D., PULSED ALFVEN WAVES IN THE SOLAR WIND, Astrophysical Journal Letters Volume: 737 Issue: 2 Published: AUG 20 2011
Lapenta, Giovanni; Bettarini, Lapo, Self-consistent seeding of the interchange instability in dipolarization fronts, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 38 Published: JUN 4 2011
Olson, C.; Long, A.; Carpenter, J. R., SENSITIVITY OF MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTI-SCALE (MMS) MISSION NAVIGATION ACCURACY TO MAJOR ERROR SOURCES, Spaceflight Mechanics 2011, Pts I-Iii Volume: 140 Pages: 1495-1512 Published: 2011
Lapenta, G.; Bettarini, L., Spontaneous transition to a fast 3D turbulent reconnection regime, Epl Volume: 93 Issue: 6 Published: MAR 2011
Phan, T. D.; Love, T. E.; Gosling, J. T.; et al., Triggering of magnetic reconnection in a magnetosheath current sheet due to compression against the magnetopause, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 38 Published: SEP 2 2011
Oka, M.; Fujimoto, M.; Shinohara, I.; et al., "Island surfing" mechanism of electron acceleration during magnetic reconnection, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 115 Published: AUG 21 2010
Brieda, L.; Barrie, A.; Hughes, D.; et al., Analysis of Particulate Contamination During Launch of MMS Mission, Optical System Contamination: Effects, Measurements, and Control 2010 Volume: 7794 Published: 2010
Roberts, C. E.; Tichy, J.; Gramling, C. J., APOGEE RAISING TECHNIQUE FOR THE MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE FORMATION FLYING MISSION, Astrodynamics 2009, Vol 135, Pts 1-3 Volume: 135 Pages: 419-437 Published: 2010
Eastwood, J. P.; Shay, M. A.; Phan, T. D.; et al., Asymmetry of the Ion Diffusion Region Hall Electric and Magnetic Fields during Guide Field Reconnection: Observations and Comparison with Simulations, Physical Review Letters Volume: 104 Issue: 20 Published: MAY 21 2010
Eastwood, J. P.; Phan, T. D.; Oieroset, M.; et al., Average properties of the magnetic reconnection ion diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail: The 2001-2005 Cluster observations and comparison with simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 115 Published: AUG 14 2010
Oka, M.; Phan, T. -D.; Krucker, S.; et al., ELECTRON ACCELERATION BY MULTI-ISLAND COALESCENCE, Astrophysical Journal Volume: 714 Issue: 1 Pages: 915-926 Published: MAY 1 2010
Che, H.; Drake, J. F.; Swisdak, M.; et al., Electron holes and heating in the reconnection dissipation region, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 37 Published: JUN 11 2010
Mann, L. M.; Tichy, J.; Gramling, C. J., LAUNCH WINDOW OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT FOR THE MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE MISSION, Astrodynamics 2009, Vol 135, Pts 1-3 Volume: 135 Pages: 395-406 Published: 2010
Sahraoui, F.; Belmont, G.; Goldstein, M. L.; et al., Limitations of multispacecraft data techniques in measuring wave number spectra of space plasma turbulence, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 115 Published: 2010
Gosling, J. T.; Maksimovic, M; Issautier, K; et al., Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind: An Update, Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference Volume: 1216 Pages: 188-193 Published: 2010
Chung, L. R.; Novak, S.; Long, A.; et al., MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE (MMS) MISSION COMMISSIONING PHASE ORBIT DETERMINATION ERROR ANALYSIS, Astrodynamics 2009, Vol 135, Pts 1-3 Volume: 135 Pages: 355-374 Published: 2010
Scaperoth, P. T.; Long, A.; Carpenter, J. R., MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE MISSION (MMS) PHASE 2B NAVIGATION PERFORMANCE, Astrodynamics 2009, Vol 135, Pts 1-3 Volume: 135 Pages: 335-353 Published: 2010
Divin, A.; Markidis, S.; Lapenta, G.; et al., Model of electron pressure anisotropy in the electron diffusion region of collisionless magnetic reconnection, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 17 Issue: 12 Published: DEC 2010
Hughes, S. P., OPTIMAL CONTROL AND NEAR OPTIMAL GUIDANCE FOR THE MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE MISSION (MMS), Astrodynamics 2009, Vol 135, Pts 1-3 Volume: 135 Pages: 439-462 Published: 2010
Gramling, C. J., OVERVIEW OF THE MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE FORMATION FLYING MISSION, Astrodynamics 2009, Vol 135, Pts 1-3 Volume: 135 Pages: 407-417 Published: 2010
Lapenta, G.; Markidis, S.; Divin, A.; et al., Scales of guide field reconnection at the hydrogen mass ratio, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 17 Issue: 8 Published: AUG 2010
Malakit, K.; Shay, M. A.; Cassak, P. A.; et al., Scaling of asymmetric magnetic reconnection: Kinetic particle-in-cell simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 115 Published: OCT 12 2010
Waterhouse, D.; Dunstan, M.; Kramer, M.; et al., TABLESAT II FOR NASA'S MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE (MMS) MISSION - A PROBLEM IN ORBIT AND ATTITUDE DETERMINATION AND CONTROL, Spaceflight Mechanics 2010, Pts I-Iii Volume: 136 Pages: 2295-2306 Published: 2010
Phan, T. D.; Gosling, J. T.; Paschmann, G.; et al., THE DEPENDENCE OF MAGNETIC RECONNECTION ON PLASMA beta AND MAGNETIC SHEAR: EVIDENCE FROM SOLAR WIND OBSERVATIONS, Astrophysical Journal Letters Volume: 719 Issue: 2 Pages: L199-L203 Published: AUG 20 2010
Winternitz, L. M. B.; Bamford, W. A.; Heckler, G. W., A GPS Receiver for High-Altitude Satellite Navigation, Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Pages: 541-556 Published: 2009
Eriksson, S.; Gosling, J. T.; Phan, T. D.; et al., Asymmetric shear flow effects on magnetic field configuration within oppositely directed solar wind reconnection exhausts, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 114 Published: JUL 18 2009
Bamford, W.; Mitchell, J.; Southward, M.; et al., GPS Navigation for the Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission, Proceedings of the 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation Pages: 1447-1457 Published: 2009
Drake, J. F.; Swisdak, M.; Phan, T. D.; et al., Ion heating resulting from pickup in magnetic reconnection exhausts, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 114 Published: MAY 30 2009
Lapenta, Giovanni, Large-scale momentum exchange by microinstabilities: a process happening in laboratory and space plasmas, Physica Scripta Volume: 80 Issue: 3 Published: SEP 2009
Gosling, J. T.; Gopalswamy, N; Webg, , Magnetic reconnection in the heliosphere: new insights from observations in the solar wind, Universal Heliophysical Processes Volume: 4 Issue: 257 Pages: 367-377 Published: 2009
Andersson, L.; Ergun, R. E.; Tao, J.; et al., New Features of Electron Phase Space Holes Observed by the THEMIS Mission, Physical Review Letters Volume: 102 Issue: 22 Published: JUN 5 2009
Ergun, R. E.; Andersson, L.; Tao, J.; et al., Observations of Double Layers in Earth's Plasma Sheet, Physical Review Letters Volume: 102 Issue: 15 Published: APR 17 2009
Eastwood, J. P.; Phan, T. D.; Bale, S. D.; et al., Observations of Turbulence Generated by Magnetic Reconnection, Physical Review Letters Volume: 102 Issue: 3 Published: JAN 23 2009
Phan, T. D.; Gosling, J. T.; Davis, M. S., Prevalence of extended reconnection X-lines in the solar wind at 1 AU, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 36 Published: MAY 14 2009
Cassak, P. A.; Shay, M. A.; Drake, J. F., Scaling of Sweet-Parker reconnection with secondary islands, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 16 Issue: 12 Published: DEC 2009
Cassak, P. A.; Shay, M. A., Structure of the dissipation region in fluid simulations of asymmetric magnetic reconnection, Physics of Plasmas Volume: 16 Issue: 5 Published: MAY 2009
p class="publication">Scudder, J. D.; Holdaway, R. D.; Glassberg, R.; et al., Electron diffusion region and thermal demagnetization, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics Volume: 113 Issue: A10 Published: 2008
Hughes, S. P., General method for optimal guidance of spacecraft formations, Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Pages: 414-423 Published: 2008
Goldman, Martin V.; Newman, David L.; Pritchett, Philip, Vlasov simulations of electron holes driven by particle distributions from PIC reconnection simulations with a guide field, Geophysical Research Letters Volume: 35 Issue: 22 Published: NOV 27 2008
Hoskins, A. B.; Atkins, E. M., Satellite formation mission optimization with a multi-impulse design, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Pages: 425-433 Published: 2007
Bamford, W.; Naasz, B.; Moreau, M. C., Navigation performance in high earth orbits using navigator GPS receiver, Guidance and Control 2006 Volume: 125 Pages: 261-276 Published: 2006
Gim, D. W.; Alfriend, K. T., Criteria for best configuration and sub-optimal reconfiguration for MMS mission, Spaceflight Mechanics 2004, Vol 119, Pt 1-3 Volume: 119 Pages: 947-968 Published: 2005
Mueller, J. B.; Thomas, S. J., Decentralized formation flying control in a multiple-team hierarchy, New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications Volume: 1065 Pages: 112-138 Published: 2005
Sharma, A. S.; Curtis, S. A., Magnetospheric multiscale mission - Cross-scale exploration of complexity in the magnetosphere, Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Plasmas Volume: 321 Pages: 179-195 Published: 2005
Clemente, D. C.; Atkins, E. M., Optimization of a tetrahedral satellite formation, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Volume: 42 Issue: 4 Pages: 699-710 Published: 2005
Curtis, S. A.; Clark, P. E.; Cheung, C. Y., The central role of reconnection in space plasma phenomena targeted by the magnetospheric multiscale mission, Multiscale Coupling of Sun-Earth Processes Pages: 473-486 Published: 2005
Guzman, J. J.; Edery, A., Mission design for the MMS tetrahedron formation, 2004 Ieee Aerospace Conference Proceedings, Vols 1-6 Pages: 533-540 Published: 2004
Hughes, S. P., Orbit design for phase I and II of the magnetospheric multiscale mission, Guidance and Control 2004 Volume: 118 Pages: 255-274 Published: 2004
Gramling, C.; Carpenter, R.; Lee, T.; et al., Relative navigation strategies for the magnetospheric multiscale mission, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics Volume: 548 Pages: 435-440 Published: 2004
Edery, A., Designing phase 2 for the double-lunar swingby of the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS), Spaceflight Mechanics 2003, Pts 1-3 Volume: 114 Pages: 2089-2099 Published: 2003
Guzman, J. J.; Edery, A., Flying a four-spacecraft formation by the moon... twice, Spaceflight Mechanics 2003, Pts 1-3 Volume: 114 Pages: 493-510 Published: 2003
Mauk, B. H.; McEntire, R. W.; Heelis, R. A.; et al., Magnetospheric multiscale and global electrodynamics missions, Sun-Earth Plasma Connections Volume: 109 Pages: 225-235 Published: 1999